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Cook Pizza In 15 Mins

Cooking a delicious pizza at home can be a quick and easy process, and can be done in just 15 minutes with the right tools and ingredients. Whether you’re looking to save time, or simply want a quick and satisfying meal, this guide will show you how to make a delicious pizza in no time.


1 pre-made pizza crust

1/2 cup of tomato sauce

1 cup of shredded mozzarella cheese

1/2 cup of your favorite toppings (e.g. pepperoni, mushrooms, onions, etc.)


1.Baking sheet or pizza stone

2.Parchment paper

3.Large spoon or spatula



1.Preheat your oven to 450°F (230°C) for at least 15 minutes before cooking.

2.Place a piece of parchment paper on a baking sheet or pizza stone. This will prevent the crust from sticking and make cleaning up easier.

3.Place the pre-made pizza crust on the parchment paper. Spread the tomato sauce evenly over the crust, leaving about 1/2 inch of the crust uncovered.

4.Sprinkle the shredded mozzarella cheese over the sauce, making sure to cover it evenly.

5.Add your favorite toppings. Be careful not to overload the pizza as this can make it difficult to cook evenly.

6.Place the baking sheet or pizza stone in the oven and cook for 8-10 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and the crust is golden brown.

7.Remove the pizza from the oven using a large spoon or spatula. Let it cool for a minute or two before slicing and serving.

8.And that's it! In just 15 minutes, you’ve made a delicious, hot, and fresh pizza that’s sure to satisfy your cravings.


.Use a pre-made pizza crust to save time. Most grocery stores carry a variety of pre-made pizza crusts, including whole wheat and gluten-free options.

.Experiment with different sauces and toppings to find your favorite combination.

.If you like a crispier crust, place the pizza on a pizza stone. The stone will absorb moisture and help the crust cook evenly.

.If you don’t have a pizza stone, a baking sheet can be used instead.

.To prevent the cheese from sticking to the parchment paper, lightly spray the paper with cooking spray before placing the crust on it.

.Make sure to preheat the oven for at least 15 minutes to ensure that the pizza cooks evenly.

In conclusion, making a delicious pizza at home in just 15 minutes is quick, easy, and delicious. With the right tools and ingredients, you can have a hot, fresh, and satisfying meal in no time. So the next time you’re craving pizza, skip the delivery and make your own in just 15 minutes. Enjoy!


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